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Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I use Faex?
We recommend using Faex every time you go #2 in the bathroom. Afterall, shouldn’t you be proud of your pride and glory! In all seriousness, a user can use Faex only when they have interesting stool – however to gain actionable insights into your gut we recommend using Faex at least 3 times a week.
How much does it cost?
Faex Health and all of it’s services are currently free to users in the Open-Beta.
How often is Faex developing?
We’re continuously developing and updating our services to provide a more valuable resource to our users. During our Beta phase our updates are irregular, meaning we’re releasing them as we develop and test them. That being said a user will be notified with patch notes with each update. In the future we plan on having planned releases with communication on what’s new.
Who sees my data?
Faex stores your data behind lock and key through AWS (Amazon Web Services). Only you have the key to access your gut evaluations, stool pictures, and other identifiable information. However, Faex uses your unidentifiable data (Meaning untraceable to you) to train it’s models. Please see the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more information.
Who is Faex for?
Faex is for anyone who’s ever been bloated after a meal, felt sluggish throughout the day, dealt with indigestion, or suffered from any gut-health related symptom. We help our users track their gut-health, manage their diet, and track symptoms that may be related to underlying conditions such as IBS.
What does Faex mean?
Faex translates to Stool from latin to english. That means our name is in theme! In latin we’re Stool Health.
Don’t Flush Your Data!
Take control of your gut-health with Faex Health. Join the revolution of like minded people solving their gut problems.