Gut-Health Tracking
By Faex Health

Faex Health is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Affordable, Quick, and Easy Gut-Health Tracking


User Profile

After creating an account, navigate your way over to “Health Goals” and “User Profile”. Here you can tell us a about yourself and what you hope to get out of using Faex Health.


The Submission

After your account is set-up navigate over to “Analyze Your Stool”. Here you can upload a picture of your pride and glory or take one through your phone camera.


The Analysis

After submitting your photo you’ll be prompted with a scorecard evaluation of your pride and glory! You’ll see specific metrics and will be warned of any anomalies in your stool such as blood or vegetal variance.


The Dashboard

You can then track all of your progress on our main dashboard. You’ll see your past trips, your baseline, and improvement over time.
In the future, you’ll find your supplements for repurchase and your recommended health tasks.

Ready to Start Your Gut Health Journey? Start Tracking with Faex Health Today!

Why Choose Faex Health?

A rustic green wooden door secured with a heavy chain and padlock, symbolizing security.

Security and Privacy

Once you upload your image, it is safely stored on AWS servers, ensuring that nobody else can view your stool! The image is then processed through our algorithms, which examines it thoroughly in seconds. Only you have the key to access your pride and glory.

A happy woman in a green top smiling while using her smartphone indoors.

User-Friendly Experience

Faex is designed for simplicity and ease of use, ensuring that monitoring gut health is hassle-free and integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle. We utilize Data and AI to provide comprehensive stool scores in real-time that are personal and unique to your gut!

Don’t Flush Your Data!

Take control of your gut-health with Faex Health. Join the revolution of like minded people solving their gut problems.